St. Augustine's School values the uniqueness and identity of each member of the school community. The openness and welcoming nature of the staff at St. Augustine's encourages ongoing communication between staff and families in a trusting and cooperative way. An atmosphere of care that builds relationships of trust, cooperation and partnership between all members of the school community is encouraged.
This care (Pastoral) is not a frill to schooling nor an optional extra.
This care is about a partnership with teachers, parents, carers, church and social agencies to nurture the people of our community.
Everyone in the school is involved in the pastoral care of our children.
This care is not always problem centred but is characterized by a sense of nurturing and celebration of life.
Students have the right to pursue a curriculum, which responds to their individual needs and situation, in an affirming and safe environment, fostering positive relationship at all levels. We create a supportive learning environment, which enhances a sense of belonging and demonstrates a concern for the well being of the individual.
Quality of Relationships
High quality interpersonal relationships between staff, students and parents are a responsibility shared by everyone through their example. Students are encouraged to develop trust and friendships amongst their peers. Some programs already in place to enhance this are the Buddy System, Peer Tutoring, Class Meetings and Student of the Week.
Parents network in many situations connected with the school community e.g. Working Bees, Tuckshop and Volunteer Help.
Self Discipline and Responsibility
The fostering of self-discipline helps students to recognize their rights and responsibilities. Students are involved in the formation of class rules at the beginning of the school year. Also class meetings provide input into decision making and the responsibility which ensues.
In Year 7 particularly, there is formation in leadership to prepare these students for the various roles and responsibilities they accept at this level.
Our school prides itself on having ongoing input from students on various issues concerning the school.
St. Augustine's Staff members have developed a "Behaviour Management Policy" This acknowledges the rights of each individual and the associated responsibility of living within the school community.
Pastoral Care Programs
Pastoral Care Programs need to be attentive to the changing needs of students and also to the unique needs of the families of our students.
The following programs have been established:
Mandatory Reporting
Students Support Team
Social Skills Program
Comprehensive and Inclusive Approaches to Learning and Teaching
Staff continually work to ensure that curriculum provision is of the highest quality, socially responsible and responsive to students needs.
The following statements, policies and guidelines have been developed:
Supportive School & Family Relationships
A relationship of trust, cooperation and partnership between the school personnel and family members is essential at all times.
We continually look at ways of involving and informing parents.
We place a high priority on:
Partnership between staff, students, parents
Respect for varying family structures and cultural values (e.g. Stepfamily program)
Support during times of crisis (home visits )
St. Vincent's Health Advisors
Parent support (parenting skills)
Guidance Counsellor
Parent information nights involving discussion and guest speakers
Parents and Friends Association
Outside School Hour Care
KIT books
BCEO Staff
Effective Networks of Care
A commitment to partnership and shared responsibility amongst staff, students and parents is an integral feature of Pastoral Care.
This involves:
Coordinated and Supportive Organisational Structures - School
Supportive administrative structures, which are flexible and responsive to the needs of students, significantly enhance the experience of Pastoral Care. Parent's liaison is supported through established structures such as parent/teachers interviews. Guidelines have also been developed for Enrolment procedures.